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  • Growing Crops in Below Average Moisture – part 2

    As we learned in part one of this series, using primers to encourage strong, deep roots is critical under periods of extended heat and low-moisture. However, it’s also important to continue providing the crop with a proactive nutrition plan, particularly during periods of stress. To continue to support the root system, Dr. Abdel El Hadrami, […]

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  • Growing Crops in Below Average Moisture – Part 1

    Winter 2017–18 was cold, with little snow fall, and spring has begun as a very dry season with many predicting another drought year. Call it climate change, global warming, or any other term you prefer, but our growing conditions across the prairies are becoming hotter and drier. The change in weather patterns, especially rainfall, is […]

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  • SopHten Your Water

    I’m sure you’ve seen how hard water can leave its mark in and around plumbing fixtures and on clothing, but have you taken the time to consider what it means for your spray solutions? Water across the Prairie provinces varies from moderately hard to very hard. If you are farming on the Prairies, you are, […]

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  • Primed for the Season

    So far, the only thing predictable about the weather is its unpredictability. From a winter that brought us an unusually low snow cover in most parts of the Prairies, to a very snowy March and a cool/cold April, it’s anyone’s guess how May will play out. Even though it is not without its challenges, producers […]

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  • Start Strong, Finish Faster

    Starter fertilizers get crops off to a great start by providing nutrition that might not otherwise be available due to cold, wet spring seeding conditions. The result is vigorous plants that establish quickly and are better able to compete with weeds, tolerate early-season stresses, pests and diseases. Starters contain a supply of nutrients, strategically placed […]

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  • Seeding into Cold, Wet Soil

    As producers across the Prairies are anxiously awaiting the start of seeding, Old Man Winter seems very reluctant to release his grip in some parts of the region. Spring temperatures have been trending below normal and the forecast is showing an increase in precipitation for most areas across Western Canada. In early April, frost was […]

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  • pHix Your Water For a Better Burn

    You know that pre-season burn-off is worth the investment, but if you are not conditioning your spray water first, are you just throwing money away? Most producers in Western Canada are working with hard water from wells and dug-outs. Hard water, which is water with a dissolved mineral content of 100-200+ ppm, usually also has […]

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  • Know Your Nutrients: Why prime your seeds?

    At seeding time, there are several factors that can limit nutrient availability in the soil, such as soil temperature, moisture level and soil quality. One thing you can do to get your crop off to a strong start is to use a Primer. Primed seeds are not dependent on nutrient density in the seed or […]

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  • Know Your Nutrients: Chloride

    Chloride (Cl) is required in small quantities but is very active in plant cells. It acts with potassium to regulate stomatal openings in the leaves, controlling internal water balance, and functions in cation balance and transport. Chloride is effective in suppressing and lessening the effect of fungal infections and can advance maturity of small grains […]

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