Nitrogen Nutrient Benefits
- An essential element in all living systems
- Needed by all cells
- Occurs in the living substance (protoplasm) of cells
- A major component of protein
- A major component of chlorophyll
Phosphorus Nutrient Benefits
- Necessary for proper cell division and the formation of new cells
- Photosynthesis
- Sugar and starch formation
- Energy transfer
- Carbohydrate transport
Potassium Nutrient Benefits
- Aids in photosynthesis and the functioning of chlorophyll
- Formation and translocation of starches, sugars, and fats
- Protein formation
- Aids with enzyme actions
- Maintenance of cell internal pressure
- Reduces wilting and respiration by maintaining balance of salts and water in cells
- Improves crop quality
- Increases root growth and resistance to disease and drought
- Decreases lodging