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  • Foliar fertilizers and their use to enhance yield and quality

    Foliar fertilizers are liquid fertilizers applied directly to the leaves of plants, allowing for rapid nutrient absorption through the leaf surface. Foliar feeding complements soil-applied fertilization and is especially useful during critical growth stages or when plants have difficulty absorbing nutrients from the soil. When used correctly, foliar fertilizers can enhance yield, quality, and overall […]

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  • The use of adjuvants in foliar spray

    Adjuvants are substances added to foliar spray solutions to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and overall performance of the spray. They can modify the properties of the spray solution, improve its coverage, penetration, and absorption by the plant, and optimize the activity of pesticides or foliar nutrients. Here are different types of adjuvants and their roles […]

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  • Pop-up Starter Fertilizer

    Pop-up starter fertilizers, often referred to as “starter fertilizers” or “pop-up fertilizers,” are nutrient-rich mixtures applied to the soil near the seed at the time of planting to provide essential nutrients to young seedlings during early stages of growth. These fertilizers are designed to enhance seedling establishment, promote root development, and support early growth, ultimately […]

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  • Plant nutrient involved in maturity and ripening

    The process of maturity and ripening in plants involves complex biochemical and physiological changes, influenced by various plant nutrients. Different nutrients play specific roles in the maturation and ripening of fruits and other plant organs. Here are some key plant nutrients involved in the maturity and ripening processes: Ethylene: Calcium (Ca): Potassium (K): Phosphorus (P): […]

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  • Cobalt’s role in plant growth and development

    Cobalt (Co) is considered a beneficial element for some plants rather than an essential nutrient. While it is not a universally recognized essential nutrient for all plant species, certain plants, particularly legumes, have been shown to benefit from cobalt. Here’s an overview of the potential roles of cobalt in plant growth and development, especially in […]

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  • Magnesium’s role in plant growth and development

    Magnesium (Mg) is an essential macronutrient for plants, playing a fundamental role in various physiological processes, growth, and development. It is a critical component of chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color in plants and is central to photosynthesis. Magnesium is involved in several vital functions within plants that influence their health, productivity, and […]

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  • The water quality conundrum for burn-off and in-season spray

    When it comes to spraying foliar fertilizers to aid crop growth, or spraying pesticides to control weeds, diseases, and insects; sprayer operators and farmers pay close attention to various factors affecting product performance. These factors may include the calibration of the equipment, application timing, label instructions and to some extent, the water volume. However, oftentimes […]

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  • Strengthening Plants Right From The Start

    Have you ever had a field full of leggy seedlings that looked tall and skinny with bent stems and wondered what the cause was? Wonder no more! In this blog post we are examining the causes of leggy seedlings and solutions for preventing this in the field. Environmental causes of leggy, skinny seedlings. If newly […]

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  • pHix Your Water For a Better Burn

    You know that pre-season burn-off is worth the investment, but if you are not conditioning your spray water first, are you just throwing money away? Most producers in Western Canada are working with hard water from wells and dug-outs. Hard water, which is water with a dissolved mineral content of 100-200+ ppm, usually also has […]

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