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  • Using copper to prevent Ergot in cereals

    Copper is an essential micronutrient for plants and plays a role in various physiological processes. However, using copper specifically to prevent ergot in cereals is not a common or recommended practice. Ergot is a fungal disease caused by Claviceps purpurea, and copper is typically used to manage bacterial and fungal diseases, not specifically ergot. Here […]

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  • Preventing Ergot with essential nutrients

    Ergot is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea that affects several cereal crops, including wheat, barley, rye, and other grasses. It’s a significant concern due to its toxic alkaloids that pose health risks to both humans and livestock. While there is no direct application of essential nutrients to prevent ergot, proper nutrient […]

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  • Water pH and hardness and their effect on spray solution of foliars and pesticides

    Water pH and hardness and their effect on spray solution of foliars and pesticides The pH and hardness of water can significantly influence the effectiveness and stability of spray solutions containing foliar fertilizers and pesticides. Here’s how water pH and hardness can affect these solutions: 1. Water pH: 2. Water Hardness: It’s essential to conduct […]

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  • Fighting salinity and sodicity through nutritional approaches

    Salinity and sodicity are significant soil-related challenges that affect plant growth and crop productivity. Salinity refers to the excess accumulation of salts in the soil, while sodicity refers to excessive levels of sodium. These conditions can be detrimental to plants as they disrupt water uptake and nutrient balance. Nutritional approaches can help manage and mitigate […]

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  • Essential nutrients to prevent crop lodging.

    While there isn’t a specific set of essential nutrients solely dedicated to preventing crop lodging, providing crops with a well-balanced and appropriate supply of essential nutrients can indirectly help reduce the risk of lodging by promoting sturdy stem growth and overall plant health. Here are key nutrients and their roles in promoting stronger plant structures, […]

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  • Pollination and role of Calcium and Boron

    Pollination is a crucial biological process in plant reproduction where pollen from the male part (anthers) of a flower is transferred to the female part (stigma) of the same or a different flower, resulting in the formation of seeds and fruits. Pollination can occur through various agents such as wind, water, insects, birds, and other […]

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  • Plant growth regulators and their role in growth and development and maturity

    Plant growth regulators, also known as phytohormones, are naturally occurring chemical compounds that play pivotal roles in regulating various aspects of plant growth, development, and maturation. These hormones are produced within the plant in minute quantities but have significant effects on plant processes. Here are some key plant growth regulators and their roles in plant […]

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  • Iron’s role in plant growth and development

    Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plants, playing a critical role in various physiological processes, growth, and development. It is a fundamental component of several vital enzymes and proteins involved in essential metabolic pathways. Iron is required in relatively small quantities but is indispensable for several key functions within plants. Here’s a detailed overview […]

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  • Calcium’s role in plant growth and development

    Calcium (Ca) is an essential nutrient for plants and is considered a secondary macronutrient. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, growth, and development of plants. Calcium is a vital element for the structural integrity of cell walls and membranes, signaling pathways, enzymatic activities, and overall plant health. Here’s a detailed overview of […]

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  • Copper Deficiency is Common in Western Canada

    Copper (Cu) is a micronutrient which is only needed in trace amounts, but is involved in several key plant actions, including photosynthesis, nitrogen utilization, protein production and water regulation. Copper deficiency is becoming more widespread across Western Canada, limiting a crop’s growth and reducing yield potential. In this post we will examine the role of […]

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