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  • The use of Bacillus microorganisms in Agriculture

    Bacillus microorganisms, specifically certain strains of the genus Bacillus, are widely used in agriculture due to their beneficial effects on plants, soil, and pest management. These microorganisms offer a range of advantages and applications in sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices. Here are some key uses of Bacillus microorganisms in agriculture: 1. Biofertilizers: 2. Plant Growth […]

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  • Beneficial microorganisms and their use in agriculture

    Beneficial microorganisms, often referred to as plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM), play a crucial role in enhancing plant growth, nutrient availability, and overall soil health. These microorganisms can form symbiotic relationships with plants or directly influence soil conditions, leading to improved crop productivity and sustainability in agriculture. Here are various types of beneficial microorganisms and their […]

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  • Nutrients use efficiency

    Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) is a critical measure that quantifies the effectiveness with which plants utilize applied nutrients to produce biomass or yield. It’s an important concept in modern agriculture, aiming to optimize nutrient management and reduce environmental impacts. NUE involves both efficient uptake of nutrients from the soil and efficient utilization of those nutrients […]

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  • Lignin formation in plants

    Lignin is a complex and rigid polymer found in the cell walls of plants, particularly in the secondary cell walls of specialized plant cells. It provides strength, rigidity, and support to the plant, allowing it to stand upright and resist mechanical stress. Lignin is one of the main components that make plant cell walls tough […]

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  • Humic, fulvic and ulmic acids and their use in agriculture

    Humic substances, including humic, fulvic, and ulmic acids, are complex organic compounds derived from decayed organic matter such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. They are important components of soil organic matter and play a significant role in improving soil health and plant growth. Here’s an overview of humic, fulvic, and ulmic acids and their applications […]

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  • Plant growth regulators and their role in growth and development and maturity

    Plant growth regulators, also known as phytohormones, are naturally occurring chemical compounds that play pivotal roles in regulating various aspects of plant growth, development, and maturation. These hormones are produced within the plant in minute quantities but have significant effects on plant processes. Here are some key plant growth regulators and their roles in plant […]

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  • Plant nutrient involved in maturity and ripening

    The process of maturity and ripening in plants involves complex biochemical and physiological changes, influenced by various plant nutrients. Different nutrients play specific roles in the maturation and ripening of fruits and other plant organs. Here are some key plant nutrients involved in the maturity and ripening processes: Ethylene: Calcium (Ca): Potassium (K): Phosphorus (P): […]

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  • Plant nutrients involved in cell wall

    The cell wall of plant cells is a complex structure primarily composed of carbohydrates, including cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, and various other compounds. While cell wall formation is not directly regulated by specific plant nutrients, several essential nutrients indirectly influence the structure and function of the cell wall through their involvement in cell metabolism and […]

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  • Plant nutrients involved in reproduction and flowering

    Reproduction and flowering in plants are crucial stages of the plant life cycle and involve specific nutrients to support these processes. Proper nutrition is essential for healthy flower and seed development. Here are the key plant nutrients involved in reproduction and flowering: Phosphorus (P): Potassium (K): Calcium (Ca): Magnesium (Mg): Sulfur (S): Boron (B): Iron […]

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  • Plant nutrients involved in shoot growth

    Shoot growth in plants is influenced by various essential nutrients that support the development of stems, leaves, flowers, and other above-ground plant structures. Here are key plant nutrients that play important roles in promoting shoot growth: Nitrogen (N): Phosphorus (P): Potassium (K): Calcium (Ca): Magnesium (Mg): Sulfur (S): Iron (Fe): Zinc (Zn): Copper (Cu): Manganese […]

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