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  • Bioinsecticides

    Bioinsecticides are natural insecticides derived from natural materials, organisms, or substances based on biological processes. They are a type of pest control method used in agriculture and gardening to manage and control insect pests in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner. Bioinsecticides offer an alternative to synthetic chemical insecticides, aiming to reduce the environmental impact and […]

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  • Soil Test and Interpretation

    Soil testing is a critical tool used by farmers, gardeners, and agricultural experts to assess the nutrient content and other properties of the soil. The results of a soil test provide valuable information about the soil’s fertility, pH, organic matter content, and potential deficiencies or excesses of essential nutrients. Here’s a general guide on how […]

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  • Crop tolerance to drought and water scarcity

    Crop tolerance to drought and water scarcity, often referred to as drought tolerance, is the ability of a plant to withstand and maintain productivity under reduced water availability or during extended periods of drought. Developing drought-tolerant crops is essential for addressing water scarcity issues and ensuring sustainable agriculture, particularly in regions prone to drought. Here […]

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  • Nutrients uptake and translocation

    Nutrient uptake and translocation in plants are critical processes that involve the absorption of essential nutrients from the soil by plant roots, their movement within the plant, and their distribution to various tissues and organs to support growth, development, and metabolic functions. These processes are fundamental to plant health and productivity. Here’s an overview of […]

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  • Gardening tips: do’s and don’ts

    Gardening is a rewarding and enjoyable activity that allows you to connect with nature and cultivate your own plants. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, here are some essential gardening do’s and don’ts to help you succeed in your gardening endeavors: Gardening Do’s: Gardening Don’ts: By following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be […]

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  • Biostimulants and their use in agriculture

    Biostimulants are natural or artificially produced substances that enhance plant growth, development, and overall plant health when applied to crops or soils. They promote plant growth through various mechanisms, including improving nutrient uptake, enhancing stress tolerance, and stimulating beneficial microbial activity. Biostimulants are an important component of modern agriculture, contributing to sustainable and efficient crop […]

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  • The secrets of maintaining a good turf grass

    Maintaining a healthy and vibrant turfgrass involves a combination of proper cultural practices, regular maintenance, and effective problem prevention and management. Here are the key secrets to achieving and sustaining a beautiful turfgrass: 1. Soil Preparation and Testing: 2. Proper Watering: 3. Regular Mowing: 4. Fertilization: 5. Overseeding and Reseeding: 6. Weed Control: 7. Pest […]

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  • Biofortification of food crops

    Biofortification is a strategy aimed at improving the nutritional content of food crops by increasing the levels of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients through agronomic practices, conventional plant breeding, or biotechnology. The goal is to address micronutrient deficiencies, also known as hidden hunger, which is a widespread public health issue, especially in developing countries. […]

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  • Crop tolerance to cold stress

    Crop tolerance to cold stress, often referred to as cold tolerance, refers to a plant’s ability to survive and thrive in cold or suboptimal temperatures. Cold stress can occur during various stages of a plant’s growth, from germination and seedling establishment to flowering and fruiting. Plants that are adapted to cold climates or have developed […]

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