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  • Calcium effect on Kochia and Thistle

    Calcium, an essential plant nutrient, can influence the growth and health of various plants, including weeds like Kochia and thistle. However, calcium does not act as a selective herbicide to control these weeds directly. Instead, its effects are more related to plant health and vigor, which indirectly impacts the growth and competitiveness of weeds. Here’s […]

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  • Crop tolerance to excessive heat and wide temperature fluctuations

    Crop tolerance to excessive heat and wide temperature fluctuations, often referred to as heat tolerance, is crucial for ensuring crop productivity in regions prone to high temperatures and erratic temperature variations. Heat stress can adversely affect various plant processes, leading to reduced growth, yield losses, and impaired quality. Developing crops that can endure high temperatures […]

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  • Foliar fertilizers and their use to enhance yield and quality

    Foliar fertilizers are liquid fertilizers applied directly to the leaves of plants, allowing for rapid nutrient absorption through the leaf surface. Foliar feeding complements soil-applied fertilization and is especially useful during critical growth stages or when plants have difficulty absorbing nutrients from the soil. When used correctly, foliar fertilizers can enhance yield, quality, and overall […]

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  • Using copper to prevent Ergot in cereals

    Copper is an essential micronutrient for plants and plays a role in various physiological processes. However, using copper specifically to prevent ergot in cereals is not a common or recommended practice. Ergot is a fungal disease caused by Claviceps purpurea, and copper is typically used to manage bacterial and fungal diseases, not specifically ergot. Here […]

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  • Preventing Ergot with essential nutrients

    Ergot is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea that affects several cereal crops, including wheat, barley, rye, and other grasses. It’s a significant concern due to its toxic alkaloids that pose health risks to both humans and livestock. While there is no direct application of essential nutrients to prevent ergot, proper nutrient […]

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  • Essential nutrients to prevent crop lodging

    While there isn’t a specific set of essential nutrients solely dedicated to preventing crop lodging, providing crops with a well-balanced and appropriate supply of essential nutrients can indirectly help reduce the risk of lodging by promoting sturdy stem growth and overall plant health. Here are key nutrients and their roles in promoting stronger plant structures, […]

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  • Crop Lodging

    Crop lodging, also known as lodging or falling over, refers to the bending or breaking of the stems or stalks of crops near the base, often due to adverse weather conditions or inadequate plant support. This phenomenon can significantly reduce crop yields and quality. Several factors contribute to crop lodging: 1. Wind: 2. Heavy Rainfall: […]

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  • Plant nutrients interaction with sucking and chewing insects

    Plant nutrient levels and their interactions with both sucking and chewing insects can influence the susceptibility of plants to infestations and the extent of damage caused. Proper nutrient management is essential for optimizing plant defenses and minimizing insect damage. Here’s how plant nutrients can interact with sucking and chewing insects: Interaction with Sucking Insects: Interaction […]

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  • Sucking versus chewing insects and their control

    Sucking and chewing insects are two main types of insect herbivores that cause damage to plants in different ways. Understanding the differences between these types of insects and employing appropriate control measures is essential for effective pest management in agriculture. Here’s an overview of the differences and control strategies for both types: Sucking Insects: Chewing […]

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