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  • De-Stress with OMEX Stress Reliever Technology™

    As seeding begins to wind down across the Prairies, producers are setting their sights on the next stages of crop production and keeping their collective eye out for factors that can cause stress to vulnerable emerging plants. Stress brought on by weather, soil conditions, moisture (excess or insufficient), insects, diseases and herbicide application can ultimately […]

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  • Reducing the Build-up of Resistances on the Farm

    Whether it is the result of water quality or the lack of rotation of pesticides on the farm, weeds and diseases are becoming more and more resistant to the active ingredients in pesticides.  Previously, we have examined the effect of water hardness on the efficacy of burn down and desiccation, but water quality can also […]

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  • Biostimulants: PGRs and PGSs

    Plant growth regulators (PGRs) and plant growth stimulators (PGSs) are naturally-occurring or synthetic compounds that, when applied to plants, modify their physiological processes, and growth and development habits. In plant cells, they stimulate specific enzymes or pathways and help regulate metabolism. The term “PGR” is widely used in Western Canada to refer to products that […]

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  • Biostimulants: Humates

    The Green Revolution of the 1960s sought to greatly increase agricultural production through the introduction of high-yield crops, chemical fertilizers, and synthetic herbicides and pesticides. With these new advancements, it was suddenly possible to grow more food on the same number of acres, to better meet the needs of a growing global population. One thing […]

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  • Getting to the Root of the Problem

    Photo credit: Chatterton et al., 2017 Root rot and clubroot are two serious diseases which can, at best, cause yield losses and, at worst, cause premature plant death. While clubroot is a disease solely affecting brassica crops, such as canola, root rot can take hold in cereals, pulses, canola and other field crops when conditions […]

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  • Biostimulants: Biologicals – What are they?

    As the world’s food demand grows, agricultural food production is also on the rise. This comes with the related challenges of poor yield, drought, pests and weeds that can negatively impact both productivity and the environment. While fertilizers and pesticides play a significant role in attempting to overcome some of these obstacles, agricultural biologicals can […]

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  • Boron has no impact, so they say.

    Boron (B) plays a key role in a wide range of physiological processes that allow plants to germinate, grow, reproduce and remain healthy. No wonder it’s the first nutrient that plants seek! Boron is critical to the growth of pollen tubes, germination of pollen grains and fertilization, and helps to ensure good grain fill. A […]

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  • Dealing with Acidic Soils

    Soil pH is a key factor in farmland as it controls availability of nutrients, microbial activity and crop productivity. Before delving into what causes soils to become acid and the steps to take to treat and correct acidic soil, we must first establish what is considered an optimal pH for crop production. For most prairie […]

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