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Strengthens and Prevents Lodging

What is It?

  • Fortis is a low salt index liquid fertilizer with high levels of Copper, Manganese and Zinc.
  • The product is formulated with fully water soluble ingredients and OMEX’s proprietary technology that enhances uptake and translocation, while minimizing tissue damage.
  • The product is available in 10L jugs, 450L and 1000L IBC’s.

When & Why Use It?

  • Fortis is recommended on all cereal crops at the flag leaf stage.
  • Crop lodging is caused among others (K deficiency, Mn deficiency, too much rain and wind…) by a weak straw strength.
  • Yield and grain quality losses to lodging could be significant as it hampers gain fill and may lead to premature sprouting.
  • Copper and Manganese are key micronutrients for the process of lignification, which allows for the thickening of the straw.
  • Manganese is a trigger for the shikimate pathway and plant health.
  • Zinc stimulates the use of Phosphorus and enhances metabolism.
  • Boron is an important component for cell wall structure.

What to Expect?

  • Fortis improves lignification and straw strength and help prevent lodging.
  • Fortis corrects Copper, Manganese, Zinc and Boron deficiencies.
  • Fortis improves chlorophyll production and photosynthesis.
  • Given the role of Copper for pollen fertility, Fortis contributes to ergot prevention and seed quality.

Size Options



Application Guidelines

  • Apply Fortis at 1L /ac with a minimum of 10 US gal of water (15 US gal is preferred).
  • Recommended alone. If tank-mixed with fungicides see compatibility charts. Some combination may be physically compatible but may cause bronzing effect on the leaves.
  • Fortis is a Copper containing product and as such should be sprayed with a high water volume, especially if tank-mixed with fungicides that require higher rates of surfactant.
  • Avoid spraying Fortis under hot and dry conditions. Spray preferably late during the day going to the evening. Bronzing from Fortis does not lead to yield losses.


2018 Heavy clay – Manitoba
2017 Heavy clay – Manitoba

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