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A fungal seed screen, also known as a seed health test, is a diagnostic procedure used to assess the presence and abundance of fungal pathogens or fungi-associated issues in seeds. This screening is essential for evaluating seed quality and ensuring that seeds are free from harmful fungi that can affect germination, seedling vigor, and crop yield. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform a fungal seed screen:

1. Sample Collection:

  • Collect seed samples from different parts of the seed lot to ensure a representative sample.

2. Seed Preparation:

  • Clean the seeds by removing any debris, broken seeds, or foreign materials.

3. Surface Sterilization:

  • Surface-sterilize the seeds using appropriate sterilizing agents like sodium hypochlorite to kill external fungi without affecting the internal ones.

4. Plating or Incubation:

  • Plate the sterilized seeds on a suitable growth medium (e.g., potato dextrose agar or malt extract agar) in petri dishes or incubate them in moistened conditions.

5. Incubation Period:

  • Allow the seeds to incubate at the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions to encourage fungal growth.

6. Fungal Growth Observation:

  • Observe the seeds periodically to detect any fungal growth or mycelium on the seeds.

7. Isolation and Identification:

  • Isolate fungal colonies that develop from the seeds for further identification and characterization.

8. Microscopic Examination:

  • Use a microscope to examine the fungal isolates at a cellular level and identify them to the genus or species level.

9. Pathogenicity Testing:

  • Perform pathogenicity tests to determine if the isolated fungi are harmful to the seeds or if they are beneficial or harmless.

10. Data Analysis and Reporting:

  • Record the types and abundance of fungi observed and present the findings in a report, detailing any harmful pathogens detected.

Tips and Considerations:

  • Use appropriate safety precautions and sterile techniques during the process to prevent contamination.
  • Collaborate with a plant pathologist or a laboratory experienced in seed health testing for accurate results.
  • Maintain proper record-keeping throughout the process for traceability and analysis.

A fungal seed screen is a valuable tool to assess the health of seeds before planting, enabling growers to make informed decisions about seed quality and take appropriate measures to address any fungal issues that could potentially affect crop establishment and yield.

Talk to your OMEX representative today to learn more about fungal screen and their use to determine what seed dressing Primer and seed treatment to be used on your seed lots.