StimPro JA
Defense Responses Aid to Pathogens & Pests
What is It?
- CFIA-registered supplement: Reg. # 2018xxxA, Fertilizers Act
- The product contains Jasmonic acid (JA), a naturally-produced growth regulator involved in many plant processes including growth and development and defense responses against pests and pathogens.
- JA is the signal molecule of the Induced Systemic Resistance that allows plants to trigger their natural immunity against intruders.
- Jasmonate are also used by plants as a long range signal to warn neighbouring plants to prepare for upcoming infection/infestation.
- JA is very effective at triggering defense-response against necrotrophs (i.e., Fusarium, Rhisoctonia, Tan Spot, Blackleg, Alternaria, …).
- Applications of JA at very low doses prior to the spread of disease or in combination with mono-site fungicides (i.e., Strobilurins) can lead to a significant reduction in disease pressure.
- Timing of application is also crucial for insuring a beneficial effect.
When & Why Use It?
- The product is recommended on all crops including field, horticultural and vegetable crops as well as fruit trees, turf and ornamentals.
- Apply JA to increase crop survival during abiotic stress.
- Use JA to keep crops healthy.
- JA helps prolong crop tolerance/resistance to biotic stress caused by pathogens and pests.
- Use JA to prevent infection by biotrophs or to reinforce the effect of mono-site fungicides (i.e., Strobilurins) in controlling them.
- The use of JA alongside mono-site fungicides is a tool to reduce resistance build-up on the farm.
- Use JA to complement the efficacy of insecticides (chewing or sucking insects) and reduce the build-up of resistance.
What to Expect?
- Healthier crops and long lasting effect of disease control when used together with fungicides.
- An improved growth and development especially under cool and cold stress conditions.
- Healthier crops often yield higher.
- Better seed and fruit quality.
Application Guidelines
- Follow the recommended rates and timing listed on the label for each crop and do not exceed the recommendation.
- JA can be used as a foliar spray, a soil drench and through fertigation systems.
- Compatible and can be mixed with most fungicides, insecticides and other liquid fertilizers.
- Do not mix concentrates together.
- Add water to spray tank to ¾ full followed by JA, pesticides and fertilizers.
- When mixing with liquid fertilizer, do not exceed the recommended rate of 20 ml/ac/application.