GRO-Root Xtra Special
ANALYSIS (3-IBA 0.85%, KINETIN 0.15%)
What is It?
- StimPro™ is a CFIA registered plant growth regulator (Fert. Act # 2003001A) that contains Auxin (0.85% of 3-IBA) and Cytokinin (0.15% Kinetin).
- The product is available in 2 × 6 L cases.
When & Why Use It?
- StimPro™ is recommended on all crops at the 3-5 leaf stage.
- Use through drenching applications for rooting and to alleviate transplant shock.
- StimPro™ can be sprayed onto the leaves and translocated down to the roots for rapid cell division and new root tissue growth.
- StimPro™ is a plant growth regulator product that contains an auxin to encourage root formation and cytokinin to increase the rate of cell division.
- When the plant is small, additional auxin is needed from the new leaf tissue in order to maximize root growth.
- During difficult climatic conditions, the leaves have a difficult time emerging rapidly enough to supply the roots and growing plants with the appropriate amounts of auxin and cytokinin.
- When early conditions are cool, the foliar spray of StimPro™ will give the seedling added vigor in both root and top growth.
- StimPro™ acts as a safener when sprayed with herbicide.
What to Expect?
- Increases plant vigor and stalk strength.
- Increases root mass.
- Increases nutrient uptake.
- Produces a healthier plant, reduces transplant shock.
- StimPro™ increases plant weight, root weight, crop quality and yield.
Size Options
Application Guidelines
- Important: Water pH must be below 7.
- Applied foliarly at a rate of 75 ml/ac (160 acres to the case).
- Can be tank mixed with most commonly used pesticides (check compatibility charts).
*StimPro™ is a trademark of Agrowchem Inc.