Nutrient Benefits
High Mn levels can reduce the availability of:
- Iron
- Manganese stimulates Potassium uptake
- Chlorophyll production
- Photosynthesis (water split)
- N and carbohydrate metabolism
- Oxidation reduction
- Enzyme activity
- Combines with Cu, Fe, and Zn to aid in plant growth processes
Deficiency Symptoms
- Small grains can show a longitudinal striping
- “Grey fleck” in oats
- Chlorosis in fruits (more evident on the shady side of the tree)
- Chlorosis of recently matured leaves with no reduction in leaf size
- Less pronounced mottling in some broad leaf plants
Factors Affecting Availability
- High pH soils
- Limed soils
- Light, sandy soils
- Soils low in K
- Soils low in organic matter
- Soils high in Cu, Fe, and Zn
- Cold, wet periods
- Soils that have evolved from parent materials low in Mn
Sensitive Crops
- Citrus, pome fruit, stone fruit, vines, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, pulses, vegetables, cereals (especially oats), sorghum
The following OMEX products can assist with addressing and correcting Manganese deficiency: