Nutrient Benefits
- High K
- Low N
- Boron stimulates Calcium translocation
- Cell division
- Translocation of Ca
- Protein synthesis
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Pollen viability
- Pollen and fruit set and formation
- Hormone formation
Deficiency Symptoms
- Thick, curled, brittle tissues
- Cracking, splitting tissue, sometimes with gummosis
- Reduced flowering, seed set and fruit set
- Growth points can die, forming multiple side shoots
- Small, misshapen fruit
- Internal flesh disorders in fruits
Factors Affecting Availability
- High pH soils
- Over limed soils
- Soils with high levels of N and/or Ca
- Sandy soils that are easily leached
- Soils with low organic matter
- Cold, wet weather (especially following a long dry spell)
Sensitive Crops
- Cotton, barley, corn, oats, sorghum, sunflower, clover, alfalfa, navy beans, soybeans, citrus, nuts, pome fruit, stone fruit, root crops, vegetables, oilseeds, canola, wheat
The following OMEX products can assist with addressing and correcting Boron deficiency:
- Perfuze
- Sunalta B
- Super B / KB78