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StimPro Armour

The Crop Protector


What is It?

  • CFIA-registered supplement: Reg. # 2017096A, Fertilizers Act.
  • StimPro Armour is a 25% potassium silicate liquid fertilizer additive.
  • It helps crops against a myriad of stresses including excess or lack of moisture, temperature and salt.
  • Silica offers two levels of protection: (i) Si inserts in the cell wall forming a physiological barrier; (ii) Si activates biochemical pathways that increase water use efficiency (WUE) and prevents water loss.
  • Silica is also known for lessening the effect of wide fluctuations of temperatures and to protect against heat.
  • Si plays an important role in the defense against biotrophs (i.e., mildew) & chewing insects.

When & Why Use It?

  • The product is recommended on all crops including field, horticultural and vegetable crops as well as fruit trees, turf and ornamentals.
  • Use low volumes with all sprays.
  • Being a cell wall strengthener silica increases resistance to lodging caused by strong winds or heavy rains among others.
  • Silica is known to enhance P, K, Ca and Mn uptake.
  • Use to alleviate drought, salt, metal toxicity (Zn, Mn, Fe, Al, Cd, As, …).

What to Expect

  • An improved growth and development especially under cold, hot & drought stress conditions.
  • Treated crops remain healthy and reach their higher potential.
  • Better water use efficiency by the crop.
  • Better seed and fruit quality.

Application Guidelines

  • StimPro Armour can be used in-furrow with starter fertilizer as well as with all foliar sprays.
  • Apply with enough water to guarantee a uniform coverage.



Figure 2. (A) Leaf blast symptoms in rice 10 days after inoculation with Magnaporthe grisea. Rice plants were continuously treated with (+Si) or without silicon (–Si). (B) Silica layer was formed in the cell wall of Si-treated plants and enhanced plant resistance to fungi infection by physical barriers (Source: Sun et al., 2010).

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